If you are hesitant about seeing a therapist, it may be because you’re not sure how therapy works. Movies and TV shows often make therapy seem more clinical and rigid than it actually is. At our therapist offices in Michigan, we provide a comfortable and relaxing environment that encourages conversation and helps clients feel safe. The therapists are friendly, approachable, and compassionate, unlike the stark-faced professionals, you may have seen on TV.
To give you a better idea of what the future holds, here’s what to expect from therapy…
Learn How to Help Yourself
Therapy is focused on teaching you how to help yourself. The therapist is there to guide you through the process, but you remain in control at all times. You set goals for your life, and your therapist will help you achieve them. More importantly, you’ll learn tools and techniques to apply in your daily life. You can continue to use those tools even if you no longer need therapy.
Only Get Medication If You Truly Need It
Some people assume that they will automatically be prescribed medication when they see a therapist. In fact, many will avoid treatment for a long time for fear they’ll be ‘put on a pill.’ The truth is that medication is rare in the world of therapy. There is almost always an effective therapeutic solution out there that does not involve medicine at all. If someone does need medication, either temporary or long-term, we will match them with a psychiatrist who can meet their needs. This is not the norm though.
Get to the Root Cause of Your Personal Issues
Therapy is not about curing symptoms. It’s about eliminating issues at the source. Your therapist will help you figure out what is causing your anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, relationship conflicts, family drama, and more. When you understand the root cause of your personal issues, you’ll be better prepared to fix them. Your therapist will assist you every step of the way.
See Results, But Not Immediately
The results of therapy may not happen overnight. Some people see faster results than others, but most clients do see a positive change in the end. At Oakland Psychological Clinic, we take the time to match each person with the best therapist for his or her needs. This provides the best chance at success from the start. As you progress through your appointments, you will gradually see positive changes in your life. A few months from now, you’ll wonder how you ever felt that way in the first place.
Contact one of our Michigan counseling centers to schedule an appointment with a therapist near you.